Saturday, December 28, 2019
12 Tips for Sending Modeling Photos to Agencies
12 Tips for Sending Modeling Photos to Agencies12 Tips for Sending Modeling Photos to AgenciesBecause most aspiring models dont live in major modeling markets like New York, Los Angeles, Paris, London, Milan or Tokyo where they can attend a go-see or open call, they need to submit their photos by mail, email, or through an online model scouting company. Whether youre a new model just starting out, or even a model with experience who is looking to expand your representation to bigger markets,these twelve tips will help you get your photos right the first time and improve your chances of getting signed to an agency and getting booked for modeling jobs. 01Simple Snapshots Are BestIf youre just starting out as a model, then simple snapshots are just fine. Agencies do not expect you to have professional photos from a well-developed portfolio. In fact, it can actually be better if you do not have professional photos because they want to see the real you.Good agents and scouts will look at you as a blank canvas and think about how they can mold your look into something that they, and their clients, are looking for. If you submit professional photos or ones where youre more or less posing as a character, then you risk pigeonholing yourself into a particular look.02Keep Makeup to a MinimumAgents and scouts want to see the real you, so it is important to keep makeup to a minimum. Think of your face as a template.A little foundation, concealer, blush, mascara and lip gloss is all you need. Male modelsgenerally should not wear makeup, but a small amount of bronzer is alright as long as its not noticeable. If your facetends to get oily, then its okay towear some translucent powderto get rid of any sheen.03Keep Clothing Simple and In Good TasteA simple pair of well-fitting jeans and a t-shirt are just fine for your photos.Agents and scouts are looking at you and your body proportions, not the clothing youre wearing. Never dress up in evening or black-tie attire, prom dresses , or wedding attire. Never dress in clothing that would be considered too sexual or provocative, including extremely low-cut shirts and jeans that sit very low on the hip.04Include One Headshot and One Body ShotThe very minimum you should submit is one headshot and one body shot. The rule of thumb is to zupflmmel your best photos that highlight your best features. Preferably, include some shots of you smiling and some shots of you in a neutral mood.Be aya to include the left and right side of yourface, because everyone has a good side that photographs better. Also, you must send body profiles where youre not obscuredby surrounding objects, even furnitureor landscaping such as trees or boulders.05Keep Hairstyles SimpleAgents and scouts want to see the length and condition of your hair, so its important to keep your hairstyle simple and well-groomed.Make sure your hair is in good condition. If you need a haircut, color job, or trim, go to your hairstylist and colorist before you take your photos.If you have long hair then take photos of your hair down and pulled back.06Include a Swimsuit ShotIf youre comfortable wearing a swimsuit then its always a good idea to include some shots of you wearing either a one-piece or bikini. Keep posing to a minimum when wearing a swimsuit because your shots can quickly go from elegant to tacky with some unfortunate poses.07Never Submit Nude (or Suggestive) PhotosIn a nutshell, agents and scouts do not want to see you naked, ever. Even photos that suggest nudity are off the table. If you have a fabulous photograph of yourself but there is so much midriff (and lower)showing, do not send that photo.08Only You in the PhotosBe sure youre the only person in the photos you submit. Agents and scouts want to see you and only you. You need to be a clean slate that they can dress and portray to tell a story and sell a productor service.You dont want yourphotos to tell a story. Never submit photos of you and your friends drinking at the bar , playing pool, or partying in Las Vegas. Save those pics for your socialmedia platforms.09Do Not Wear FurPlease do not wear fur of any kind, anywhere, in your photos. And that includes fake fur, which may be hard to distinguish from the real thing. Many agents find the use of fur in the fashion industry offensive. Besides, there is nothing about a fur coat that says young and fresh, which is the look that agents want in new models. Even mature models need to look youthful and fresh for their age category.10No Fancy Clothing or Makeup on ChildrenFashion and commercial agencies in big markets like New York, Los Angeles, Paris, Milan, and Tokyo want to see real kids. They dont want Barbie dolls and photos from beauty pageants.To ensure that kid shots look real, make sure the head shots show clean faces void of makeup, without frilly dresses or suits with bow ties, and without hairpieces.Also, food covered faces are cute for grandparents but never for agents.You can use yoursmartphone to get a shot of your child at the local playground or a backyard barbeque. As a matter of fact, you probably already have a model-worthy photo in your smartphone.11Include All of Your Contact InformationThere have been many times that Ive been interested in a model and had no way to contact them because they forgot to include their contact information.If youre mailing your photos, be sure to include your full name, the city you live in, your email address, and day and evening phone numbers on the back of each and every photo. Photos can get separated from the envelopes they came in, so just attaching a note to your photos is not enough.To save time and ensure scouts have all of your information, print up some stickers at home with your contact information and apply one to each photo. There are many online stationery stores where you can have inexpensive stickers made if you dont feel comfortable making them yourself. Just dont get too fancy with your stickers- the idea is to be vis ible to scouts. Stick to a white background and an easy-to-read black font.12Include Your StatsYour statistics are your key measurements and data. Women should always include their age, height, bust, waist, and hip measurements. Men should include their age, height, chest and waist size, jacket size, and pant length. Alsonote any distinguishingfeatures, such as freckles, moles,or visible tattoos.First Impressions Are ImportantIn the modeling industry, your photos are everything, and first impressions are equally as important.Modeling agencies receive thousands of photos every week and agents will make their decision whether or not to represent you within a matter of seconds. Therefore, its important to always look your best (and appropriate) even in simple snapshots. You also must include all the statistical information agents need in buchung to represent you. Dont get passed over simply because you forgot to include your contact information and they had no way to reach you.
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Bad Reasons to Quit Your Job
Bad Reasons to Quit Your JobBad Reasons to Quit Your JobAnyone whos changed jobs before knows that one special moment when they knew it was time to go. Maybe a boss said something inappropriate, or maybe you were passed up for that promotion yet again after years of waiting. Weve spent a lot of time thinking about the right reasons to leave a job a vertical move, a better salary, a new location. But sometimes silly things pop up that have us frustrated, worked-up and ready to leave our job. Here are four situations to protect yourself from so that you never leave a job for the wrong reasons The new hire is super annoyingA bad new hire can disrupt the energy of even the most efficient team. But an inexperienced or loud-mouthed teammate so annoying hes worthy of a Dilbert comic is no reason to head for the door. If its a new boss, this is your opportunity to manage up. If its a new teammate, its an opportunity to learn patience and appreciate diversity. A co-worker saboteur or toxic bo ss might be cause enough to leave your job, but dont leave a good opportunity just because of an annoying new hire your next job may have one, too. The office kitchen smells (and the AC is broken again, and the chairs are awful)Smelly, uncomfortable, dirty, inconvenient whatever describes your office kitchen (or your chair or your conference room) is unfortunate, but not a reason to say goodbye to a steady paycheck. With enough politeness and persistence, an uncomfortable or inefficient working environment can be adjusted over time. Before you dismiss your employer as poorly managing your physical environment, bring up your concerns with your manager and see what you can do to enact change. Of course, if any of your concerns are cause for a health crisis (such as toxic mold from a damp kitchen or chronic back pain from second-hand chairs), it needs to be addressed immediately so that management can come up with a company-wide solution. Leave for health concerns, but not for day-to- day unpleasantness. The boss sided with someone else on an important decisionYou made an excellent point, youve been with the company longer than the other person and your boss still sided with someone else on an important decision. Before you flip out and question why youve been so loyal over the years, take a minute and think it through. As with everything else in life, we often dont know what goes on behind the scenes of a workplace decision and managers often cant reveal all the details. Dont focus on the issue at hand focus on your boss. Do you trust them to have taken your thoughts into consideration, or do you not? If you do, extend your boss some loyalty and hope you find out the details someday. If you dont, thats not such a petty reason to leave a job.You think you deserve more moneyThis is a tricky reason, of course, because compensation is often a valid point of contention. But heres something to consider before you quit without bringing the problem to your HR manager t heres never extra money in the budget for raises. As we learned in a past article, raises take a long time to review, process and defend. And if you arent actively participating in the process, its unlikely to happen for you. Before you get worked up about how much more your skills are worth, put together a business case for your raise. Research the industry standard for your position, make a list of your achievements and the ways in which youve added value and present them candidly to your boss.Thousands of small details go into figuring out whether a job is worth keeping or leaving. Dont let petty annoyances prevent you from getting the most out of your current job.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
3 Bad Habits of Job Seekers
3 Bad Habits of Job Seekers3 Bad Habits of Job Seekers6As a job seeker, you need to be well-rested for your job search. After all, sending all those carefully crafted job applications is time consuming and can drain your energy. But between looking for a job and family demands, youre probably not getting as much sleep as you need, and you might be picking up some bad habits of job seekers. Thing is, if youre not getting eight hours of shut eye, you run the risk not only of sleep deprivation, but other issues such as depression, forgetfulness, and even weight gain.Working Mother Magazine recently published a slideshow of the things that we all do before bedtime- but shouldnt be doing. Each of these activities can impede sleep, thereby causing you to become sloppy in your job search. Here are just a few things that you might be doing- and what you should do instead.Take a hot bath.It makes sense, especially on a cold winters night, to take a hot bath before bed. But the body needs to c ool down- not warm up- in order to fall asleep. So either dial down the hot water in your shower, or take a warm bath at least one hour before bedtime. This is one of the bad habits of job seekers that many people do thinking they are helping themselves but in reality, the opposite is true.Go online.Another bad habits of job seekers is using the computer at night. Between all the daily demands in your life, youre super busy during the day. So you might take some time at night to look for a job (and sure, you click through your friends photos on Facebook, too). Turning on your laptop at night can interrupt your bodys natural circadian rhythm, so shut down your devices at least 30 minutes or more before you plan to go to bed.Watch TV. Sure, turning on the tube is an easy way to relax after a long day of job hunting. Even though you may feel yourself calming down while watching Modern Family, studies have shown that TV actually stimulates your mind- and will keep you up. Another vorkau fsrecht is to turn off the TV at least 30 minutes before hitting the hay.With some minor adjustments to your nightly routine and avoiding bad habits of job seekers, you can get the eight hours of beauty rest that you need. Being refreshed during the day will help you as you job hunt, allowing you to be alert, on point, and ready when a hiring manager calls to schedule a job interview.Readers, have you ever picked up bad habits of job seekers? Let us know in the comments section below
Saturday, December 14, 2019
5 ways high-performance organizations make meetings effective
5 ways high-performance organizations make meetings effective5 ways high-performance organizations make meetings effectiveEvery organization has to figure out how to make meetings productive. Its a complex challenge. To be effective, each meeting needs to engage the individual talents of the people involved, work to achieve the organizations specific goals for the moment, and do so in a way thats both culturally relevant and contextually sensitive to the world around it. Not an easy feat.It can be tempting to shy away from the task. Instead of embracing this complexity, many leaders fall back on simple blanket rules that no one really follows- like the leader that declared all meetings in the company could last no more than 20 minutes. Others delegate responsibility for success to others, even though they themselves are the most frequent meeting attendees. Many leaders claim that meetings are a waste of time, and therefore elend worth the effort it would take for the organization to make them work well.These are common traps that keep an organization locked in a cycle of underperforming meetings and endemic mediocrity.Here are 5 ways high-performing organizations avoid that fate1. Set clear expectations for all meetingsMeeting norms, ground rules, guidelines these set the foundation for building an effective meeting habit. They often include things like use of an agenda and keeping meetings on time. Whatever your rules, the leadership kollektiv must follow them. The way the leadership group meets sets the real standard everyone else follows.2. Document and share meeting resultsFear of missing out (FOMO) compels people to attend meetings they shouldnt. Organizers dont want to leave people out, so they invite everyone who might possibly want to weigh in. Having irrelevant people in the room de-energizes the conversation and disrupts productivity.Documented meeting results are the fastest and easiest way to combat meeting FOMO. Before the meeting, document the me eting purpose and desired outcomes clearly. Then, send out written meeting results afterward. When people can see in advance what a meeting is for, then see afterward what happened, they can decide whether they need to attend. This keeps meetings more focused, and it keeps everyone more productive.3. Define the way to meet for all core processesThere are 16 different types of business meetings, and each has a purpose. A regular team meeting is good for confirming progress and identifying problems, but its a lousy place to make a big decision. Big decisions demand a dedicated decision-making meeting. Similarly, the initial meeting with a prospective client (or funder) should look very different from the meeting where you ink the deal. Each of these pivotal meetings can be optimized to drive the results your company needs.High-performance organizations know the type of meetings they need to run and how to run each one well. Each meeting gets a name and becomes the way that kind of wor k gets done. For example, the teams check-in meeting becomes the huddle. The meeting to impress prospective clients early in the sales cycle becomes a services briefing. Anything called simply a meeting isnt specific enough.4. Train everyoneLeaders spend up to 80% of their work day in meetings, and yet many have never received meeting training. Meetings arent just conversations with lots of people at work there are skills and techniques to learn that radically improve meeting results.High-performance organizations provide skills training to people leading meetings. They also train everyone how to participate in the meetings defined as the way to get their job done. Meetings represent an enormous salary investment, and high-performance organizations ensure their people get a good return on that investment.5. ABL Always Be LearningOnce they have the way to meet, the organization can experiment. What happens when we meet on Monday instead of Wednesday? If we tweak the process, can we m ake decisions faster?High-performance organizations have the process and stability they need in order to run conclusive experiments and continuously improve their meeting practices.Bad meetings are not inevitable. Quite the opposite Meetings can be a powerful embodiment of your companys culture and a driver of performance when designed and run with intention. And the best news You get to learn from the examples set by high-performance organizations that have already conquered this design challenge. When it comes to meeting design, the adage holds true Well-stolen is half doneJ. Elise Keith is the co-founder of Lucid Meetings and the author of Where the Action Is The Meetings That Make or Break Your Organization. For more information, please visit, and on connect with her on Twitter.
Monday, December 9, 2019
What Is So Fascinating About Objectives for Resume Examples?
What Is So Fascinating About Objectives for Resume Examples? The most important thing is to just incorporate an objective if it isnt generic. As a guideline, you dont need to use each bit of the formula for your resume objective. In the same way, a resume objective is among the very first parts of information about you that a hiring manager sees. It is far easier for a hiring manager to discover that value in a brief paragraph than attempting to piece it together from a lengthy history of qualified experience and education. A well-written one is going to impress on the hiring manager the methods by which you are a best candidate for the job. You need to not just catch the hiring managers eyeyou have to make sure they study your statement and say Whew Before going out on a work hund for a new position in the specialty of social work, you must make certain your resume is all up to the endeavor. If youre going to compose an objective statement, it should be specific. Your resum e is exactly the area you want to brag about what an awesome professional youre. An objective is a brief statement that clarifies your goals about the kind of employment desired and the way in which your skills make you a nice fit. Highlight your transferable abilities, which are those which it is possible to use from 1 job to the next irrespective of the position. When youre crafting your resume objective, you should concentrate on particular abilities and experiences which are directly associated with the job. A crystal clear statement about how youll utilize your strongest relevant abilities and professional experiences to satisfy the specific role youre applying for 3.An objective must be personally-tailored to the employer. Generally, it is used by someone who has recently graduated or has very little experience. Ultimately, stating it is optional, but it can help convince employers that you know what you want and are familiar with the industry. My aim is to find the job. Uploading to our resume database requires you to make an account. If not, you can opt to publish References seen on request. Lists, as a rule of thumb, are also simpler to write. Use a couple of sentences maximum. You ought to have five objective statements. Its usually sensible to incorporate 2-3 recommendations at the conclusion of the resume. Long paragraphs may drop the readers interest. This example statements may provide you a few ideas about how to compose a productive objective. Your bullet points ought to be targeted at the job which youre applying for. Begin with your latest experience and include a number of the points from the subsequent categories. Check to be sure youre providing all of the info required and clearly define your skill sets when it comes to application requirements. Theres basically no guaranteed answer for this query but here are some suggestions which will be (with a little bit of luck) useful for you just if you are still not receiving any phone calls. The perfect format for your resume is shown in the example that you will just need to adjust for your own personal situation. Many times theres a particular format required and if you dont refer to resume examples then you may not know that requirement in any way. It is possible to also Simple Resume Template. You should make certain to select a format thats easiest for you. No matter your degree of work experience, your resume format is crucial to making your application stick out. Produce your own CV template.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
A History of Resume Writing Law Job Refuted
A History of Resume Writing Law Job Refuted The New Fuss About Resume Writing Law Job Do notlage feel as though you have to incorporate every small detail or an entire collection of your prior work history. Perfect if youre trying to find a job using your cell phone. There is an assortment of sites that offer a list of jobs from which you are able to select the one which is suitable for your profile. There are sure tips that may help your search simpler and effective. If youve had many jobs, all which are relevant, the employer is very likely to presume that you were unhappy or unsuccessful at your previous jobs. You are able to get government jobs and private jobs. In addition, you can look for police officer jobs on Monster. The Debate Over Resume Writing Law Job Youre not writing an essay. Studying career-specific resume samples is among the very best ways to understand how to format and focus your abilities and abilities. If your writing sample was accepted for pub lication be certain to indicate that. It should be the best legal writing you have done. Resume Writing Law Job - the Conspiracy It is essential that you show the possible employer your skills, training, experience and education and the way in which they match what the recruiter requirements. It is very important to review the requirements in the Job Ad. Because your work title may mean unique responsibilities and skills to various employers, you ought to use descriptions to get rid of doubt and clarify your position. Your goal in constructing your resume is to make an effective marketing and advertising tool. There are a few things that dont belong on a resume for work. First of all you have to decide about the sort of job youre actually searching for. When writing a resume, clearly define your objective, with an extremely clear profile for the type of job which you want to get. Everyone can say he or she excelled at her or his final job. Want to Know More About Resume Writing Law Job? Concentrate on these sections to understand whether you meet the requirements for the position. Unique varieties of jobs need various varieties of resumes. Federal jobs often need you to have experience in a special type of work for some period of time. If youre unsure, check with the work postingit will hint at what a law office is searching for, and you may choose an achievement on the grounds of that. Law Enforcers are dedicated to serve and safeguard the public. Law school resumes arent the exact same as a resume that you would utilize to submit an application for work. If youre practicing law for a number of years have many accomplishments below your belt, you dont need to be limited to a single page resume. The yperit Secret of Resume Writing Law Job Along with helping your resume get selected, it is also going to help the hiring manager see how your abilities and experiences make you a perfect candidate for the particular job. By way of example, concentrate on the advantage of having done what you did in your work in place of just describing. Its quite important to show relevant experience to the job that youre applying. Do not be concerned if you dont have any legal experience yet.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Role, Challenges, and Definition of a Line Manager
The Role, Challenges, and Definition of a Line ManagerThe Role, Challenges, and Definition of a Line ManagerA line manager is a person who directly manages other employees and operations of a business while reporting to a higher ranking manager. The line manager term is often used interchangeably with direct manager. Responsibilities The line (or direct) manager plays an important role in the operation of many businesses. The individual is responsible for managing employees and resources in pursuit of achieving specific functional or organizational goals. Some of the responsibilities of the typical line manager include Recruiting and hiring talent to fill team positionsProviding training and support to new hiresCross-training employees to ensure job rotation and minimize assignment coverage gapsProviding coaching and wertmiger zuwachs feedback to all team membersCommunicating and ensuring understanding of functional or departmental goalsMonitoring individual and team metricsand p erformance versus targetsIdentifying the need for corrective actionsEnsuring quality standards for all processesEvaluating overall teamand individual performance and delivering the performance reviews Engaging with other line managers across the organizationProviding reports on productivity and other performance indicators to management Importance Based on the responsibility listing above, it is clear that the line manager plays an important part in theoverall organizational performance. A good manager is actively involved with his/her team members, providing support, offering encouragement, and delivering positive and constructive feedback on a daily basis. Line managers directly influence employee satisfaction and engagement and, as a result, organizational productivity and even customer satisfaction. While senior management is involved in developing and approving a firms strategy, the hard work of implementing the strategy takes place at lower levels of the organization. Line managers are critical cogs in ensuring that new programs are implemented in a timely and effective manner. They are well positioned to identify problems with the strategy execution programs and the input of the line manager is essential for organizational learning. Talent development is a key priority for any organization, and line managers wield large control over the identification, development, and versetzung of talented professionals on their teams. Often, the next generation of line managers emerges from these teams. Challenges There are a variety of stress points and challenges for a typical line manager. These include Significant responsibility for overall operations, often with limited resourcesJobs that demand long hoursA trend to increase the line managers span of control. Instead of six to eight direct reports, line managers often have much larger teams. The larger the team, the more difficult it is to provide timely and effective coaching and development supportThe need to navigate frequent employee turnover. Many line managers are in perpetual hiring and training mode, making it difficult for them to implement operational improvements or increase performance versus productivity targets Constant pressure to minimize expenses and maximize output Career Path It is common for top performing line managers to either rise through the ranks of management or broaden their responsibility to encompass other areas of a firms operations. The line managers detailed knowledge of business processes and how the organization works make him/her an ideal candidate for broader general management roles. Do Not Confuse Project and Line Manager Some managers, like project managers, are responsible for directing the work of other employeesbut are not responsible for the administrative management of those individuals. They do not discipline the employee, promote/demote them, make salary adjustments, etc. In a typical matrix management structure, the project ma nager gives work direction to the project team members regardless of what department or functional group they came from. The people who run those departments and groups, who manage all the individuals in them, are the line managers. Also, some individuals have manager in their titlebut dont actually manage anyone else. These individuals also are not line managers. Updated by Art Petty.
Monday, November 25, 2019
3 signs a conversation needs to happen
3 signs a conversation needs to happen3 signs a conversation needs to happenProductive conversations turn conflict into collaboration, reduce costly mistakes and create a culture of accountability.However, productive conversations are often avoided because of a perceived difficulty in initiating the conversation. Ive heard everything from, I dont want her to cry, to Im afraid of blowing up, to Its the company picnic this week to I cant afford to lose them.What makes a conversation difficult varies from person to person. The variables include the depth of the relationship, the power structures, the timing and experience. But what all avoidance patterns have in common are three things Fear of the emotional experience,skill leveland the unwillingness to do theemotional laborrequired.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreThe hidden element is awareness. Many of us are unaware that we even need to initiate a conversation. The situation always looks like the schwierigkeit belongs to someone else, but until we as leaders take full responsibility, nothing will change.When executives blame middle managers for not initiating conversations, the lingering question is this Who is managing the managers? It always comes back to leadership, and it starts at the top.When senior-level leaders avoid, they create a culture of avoidance. You cant fix what you dont acknowledge and you wont acknowledge what you are unaware of. The signs that you need to initiate a difficult conversation is all around you if you know where to look. Here are three signs that indicate a conversation needs to happen.A negative intern landscapeYour inner landscape is your thoughts, feelings and emotions. If you find yourself thinking bad thoughts about someone, it doesnt mean your thoughts are true or factual. It means you are far over-due for a conversation. When you blame someone without talking to them first, it means you arent taking full responsibility for the situation. When you judge someone, it means you dont fully understand, and when you resent someone it might mean you failed to set a boundary.If you find yourself gossiping, running to a friend to dish on someone else, it means you are avoiding talking to the one person who could actually change the situation.Understanding your inner landscape is about growing inemotional intelligence. If you arent paying attention to your inner landscape and thus your inner dialogue, you are not aware enough to initiate a productive conversation.Unwanted business resultsYour hot-headed tantrum-throwing partner isnt just an emotional issue. Theres a business case happening before your very eyes. Besides irritating you and creating a toxic culture, you are losing employees. Or worse, you are keeping employees who arent engaged and arent speaking up. The result is loss due to turnover, or costly mistakes waiting to happen.Your Queen Bee you think is such a star performer, but isnt good at teamwork is not actually a star performer. The problem is that you dont equate team performance with overall performance. Theres always a business case for cleaning up bad behavior, you just have to notice how to connect the dots. Chances are your avoidance or lack of awareness is costing you productivity, reputation, teamwork or speed.MisalignmentLook for evidence that the behaviors you see in the workplace harmonize with the mission, vision and values expressed on the website. When it comes to bad behavior that needs to be addressed, the biggest excuse I see at all levels is Thats just the way I am or Thats just the way its always been.Its usually followed up with something relating to one of the dozens of personality assessments out there Hes a very high D on the Disc, therefore, fill in the blank. Or, according to her Myers-Briggs, shes an INFJ, thereforeRecently at an executive round-table I was asked this question What about the differentmanagement styles?My answer was this I dont look at styles in the beginning. I look at alignment to the mission, vision, and values. The style doesnt matter nearly as much as alignment.Personality assessments can help you understand yourself, your colleagues, and your peers, or they can be used to avoid doing what is necessary to make the needed course-corrections.High D on theDisc?Doesnt mean its OK to throw fits if the values of the organization are trust, integrity and collaboration. Quick Start on theKOLBE?Doesnt mean its OK to go rogue without getting agreement from your senior executives.With that said, if the mission is to win at all costs and the top value is hustle, you will attract the right employees to play that game, as well.From this understanding its not about right or wrong, black or white. Its about making decisions in alignment and being able and willing to deal with the consequences as they come.ConclusionContinually avoiding the elephant in the room cre ates a culture of neglect and avoidance. Your conversations eitherdrive resultsor drive drama. Productive conversations is a key to creating adrama-free culturethat drives growth and reduces costly mistakes.This article originally appeared on SmartBrief.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people
Thursday, November 21, 2019
4 Ways Youre Annoying Your Boss - The Muse
4 Ways Youre Annoying Your Boss - The Muse4 Ways Youre Annoying Your BossThe road to a career downfall is paved with good intentions. If youre spending your days in the arbeitszimmer coming up with new ideas, speaking out about your opinions, intervening in office emergencies, and, overall, displaying your leadership skills, you probably have every intention of furthering the companys goals- and, at the same time, your career. But sometimes, between those noble intentions and the way your actions play out, youre doing more harm than good. By doing a few key things the wrong way, you may be making your way onto your babo bad side. Like these.1. Going Around Him or Her to Make DecisionsWhen theres an urgent situation at the office, sometimes you have to make an executive decision. Maybe your boss is in a meeting and you cant get ahold of him or her, or maybe you just want to show off your leadership chops- either way, you decide on a course of action and notify everyone involved. In so me cases, your boss will certainly appreciate your willingness to stop in. But for larger issues that may extend beyond your expertise, this isnt always the best plan. For example, a co-worker of mine recently pointed out that there welches an error in our customer newsletter that had already gone out to our client base. He immediately sent an email to the entire marketing department, demanding that a correction be sent to all customers, indicating it was a significant error and would likely spur customer complaints. The marketing department went into a frenzy, drafting the email, getting it approved by the higher-ups, and preparing to send it. And then my co-workers boss stopped by. We showed him the email- which, as it turns out, he hadnt known about. His reaction? Oh, we dont need to send anything. Its not that big of a deal.What was an absolute emergency to my co-worker was an insignificant oversight to his boss. And his boss wasnt too happy that hed created chaos and wasted the entire marketing departments afternoon. How to Avoid ItThere are times when you can safely and confidently make an executive decision (here are a few pointers), but when its a significant issue or you arent 100% sure about the situation, get your boss thoughts before acting. 2. Making Everything an EmergencyTheres a fine line between keeping your boss informed and assuming every situation is one that needs immediate attention. Yes, your boss certainly wants to know whats going on, so he or she can, if necessary, intervene. But sometimes, that turns into overwhelming your boss with interruptions, emails with the subject line, Urgent and frazzled office pop-ins- all in the spirit of making sure he or she knows whats going on.Often, you do this simply because youd rather be safe than sorry. Its better that you notify your boss of an escalating situation as its happening, rather than have it blow up in everyones face later. But when the situation isnt actually an emergency, its an inco nvenience for your boss. So, its important that you can discern the difference between what is truly urgent and what is part of standard geschftlicher umgang operations. How to Avoid ItIt may take some time to determine whats really an emergency and what can wait to be brought up or handled completely on your own, but for the sake of your boss sanity- and yours, too- its important to learn.You have the companys biggest client on the line, about to cancel his or her contract and sue the organization? Yes, emergency. A typically happy customer left a mediocre response on his or her latest customer service survey? Probably not something you need to rush into your boss office immediately to address.3. Taking Forever to Get to the PointYour boss is probably juggling a lot of information at any given time. He has to keep up with his own work, as well as that of each of his direct reports. But that doesnt mean that when you have to tell him about a certain situation, you need to provide ev ery last detail. As a manager, I would often have employees who would compose essay-length emails or give me long-winded speeches about a certain situation, from the very first email that was sent to who said what and how long it took her to respond to everything else remotely related to the story- until we eventually arrived at the current state of the challenge. In the end, the only thing that really mattered could have been summarized in a few quick sentences. In the long run, many details of a situation are unnecessary- and to point you in the right direction, your boss probably doesnt need to hear about them. Just give him or her the basic facts, and youll arrive at a much speedier solution. How to Avoid ItSummarize the situation first. This is especially important in an email, when information at the end tends to get lost and overlooked, but works well in direct conversations, too. In a couple short sentences, sum up the situation and what you need from your boss. If he or she needs more information, you can then go into your reasoning. 4. Failing to Look Beyond Your RoleTypically, bosses think its great when you suggest ideas to improve processes or produce better work. But in any company and role, when you present these ideas, its easy to get tunnel vision and only consider how your idea will impact you. Maybe you want to implement a new process that would eliminate some of your workload by allowing you to document less. While thats great for you, what youre not considering is how that might increase the workload of your co-workers in other departments by forcing them to track down the information you didnt document. Or, maybe you think you would benefit from a new software program- but dont take into account that the money would be taken away from the continuing education budget for your team and hinder the professional development of your peers. How to Avoid ItThink about the big picture. As you move up in your career, youll find more and more that y ou need to think beyond you and your department. Consider how your ideas will affect other teams, the company budget, and workloads- and adjust your plan accordingly. That will allow you to present well-thought out, forward-thinking plans to your boss. In the end, there are probably much more annoying things that you could do. But when its your career on the line, its worth it to make sure youre performing to the highest standards possible. Photo of woman saying no courtesy of Shutterstock.
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