Sunday, May 31, 2020

Potential Dangers of Applying Direct (and Bypassing Recruiters)

Potential Dangers of Applying Direct (and Bypassing Recruiters) A lot of thought  goes into searching for a new job. And if it doesnt, it should. Apart from deciphering what career direction you want to take, updating your resume and crafting bespoke cover letters, you need to  shape your approach to getting noticed by the decision makers who matter. Ideally your game plan will  be far more sophisticated than  clicking apply now buttons willy-nilly and spamming your CV about the town. An early decision  youll need to make is  whether to enlist the services of a  recruitment consultant or apply direct to organisations of interest, through open roles online or otherwise. If you ask anyone whos opted for the latter and seamlessly scored the role they wanted, that approach would be recommended every day of the week. After all, recruitment consultants have a reputation of chasing the fee and not always your best interests not to mention  if a company can avoid paying hefty agency fees for employees, they will! However,  for those thousands of job hunters who  put their heart and soul into direct company approaches only to  never hear back, the  testimonial would likely be very different. Constantly being ignored and rejected not only crushes confidence, but can also bring some  very real, irreversible repercussions which will make your life  harder in the long run. Before you bypass recruiters and apply direct, consider these points first: 1.  Missing out on interview insights When you work with a recruitment consultant, you will be  guided by someone who has a wealth of inside information about your process. Recruiters  have direct access to hiring managers,  HR and other candidates who have interviewed before so can  properly  prepare and guide  you along the way, making sure youre  best placed  to make a lasting impression. When you apply direct, youll likely be given limited information about the interview process and youll be at potential risk of going up against candidates who have had an expert recruiter in their ear coaching them towards success, with the inside knowledge of exactly what the hiring manager is really looking for. 2. Being  sold short The salary conversation can be a very difficult one to have. On one hand, you dont want to come across money hungry and driven by your bank account, but on the other hand you dont want to cheat yourself out of cash all for the sake of being humble and wanting to leave the perfect  impression. Lets be honest, negotiating more money for yourself can be a little awkward and theres a likelihood youll sell yourself short here. When you work with a recruiter, theyll take  this responsibility off your hands, and can push for  a bigger pay packet! Theyre incentivized by fees, too. 3. Getting lost in a sea of CVs Recruiters want to place you! Not only will they get a fee, but theyll help you achieve your dreams and this is largely what they love about their job. Furthermore,  working with a recruiter allows you to leverage their industry relationships and get recommended into a particular organisation. Where they are great at their job, theyll be a trusted business partner of your dream organisation, and can give you the exposure you need, putting in a good word to the people who count. When you apply online, theres absolutely no guarantee your resume will land in the right place. You might even be weeded out by a machine looking for key words and not the suitable, transferrable skills and experience you can offer. When you apply direct, you run the risk of  being just another name on a piece of paper, in a pile of thousands. 4. Unknowingly opting out of future representation Being lost in  your dream organisations system can  have even more serious consequences than simply not scoring the job you wanted. If you try to work with a recruiter in future to get you noticed by that company, you might  find consultants wont  be able to help you. Why? Because when they find out youve already applied direct, theyll tell you they cant represent you because the organisation will already have your details on file, meaning theres no introduction to be made. Put simply, if your resume is already  registered on the organisations system, theres little incentive for the recruiter to represent you, given  the company can easily say we are already aware of this candidate, invite you in for interview (having just been brought to their attention) and turn the recruiter away, robbing them of any fee for their work. On top of this, if you end up getting the role (well done), that recruiter also loses out on the potential business of filling that role with another candidate. In summary, make sure you do your research before diving into your job search. Having a no-strings-attached conversation with a recruiter about how they believe they can help you  will assist in your decision  about what to do. While recruiters are driven by fees, they also are the ones who have an in depth understanding of the jobs market, from a range of different client perspectives. Genuine recruiters will tell you to go at it alone if they think thats best for you. Dont forget this fact: a recruiter will only want to work with you if they think they can get you a role,  otherwise it would be pointless for them. If thats not a vote of confidence for you, I dont know what is.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

How to Write a Resume

How to Write a ResumeIn order to succeed in how to write a resume, you have to be able to recognize the characteristics of a person who may want to work with you. Many people just go ahead and place all the details on their resume based on their knowledge and experiences, but if they were to really do their homework, they would find that there are certain aspects about a person which need to be disclosed in the resume.You may think that these aspects of a person's resume are just big ol' wastes of time, but you might be surprised by how many employers actually get it. If you've been looking for a job and you're still not finding any jobs, you may want to rethink your approach because it might be that the company that you're applying to is just too picky. You can put your best foot forward when you know how to write a resume.A formal resume is usually a long document that is filled with details about your education, your employment history, your skills, your talents, and your referenc es. This type of document can help in making an employer appreciate the value of your resume. The first thing you should mention about your skills is how much you've actually learned from your previous jobs. Then you should be able to give a list of what you've done so far as well as any recommendations that you may have made to other people.Next, you should focus on the areas that need your attention when it comes to your resume. Many people do not bother to write down those areas of the resume that need to be discussed and made clear about, and this could be a problem for them. If you do not focus on those details, it would be very easy for you to forget about them, and that will definitely show on your resume.After mentioning the details of your skills, responsibilities, and your job experience, it is now time to present your qualifications. When it comes to this part of the resume, you should be sure to show how you met the requirement of the job and how you surpassed it. In ord er to do this, you should list down your achievements and give a brief description of your task of achieving those accomplishments.Presentation is a common thing when it comes to writing a resume, but it is usually overlooked when it comes to the actual details of the document. This means that you should be sure to explain any information or facts that you do not really want to mention on your resume. If you do this, you would not only be able to come up with a document that would be easier to read and more impressive, but you would also be able to show how well you understand the company requirements.Your last detail about the resume should be about the address of the company. If you have a particular employer to whom you want to give your application, it would be good if you make sure that the address has the name of the employer printed on it. This way, you can be sure that the address is indeed the correct one.Writing a resume does not need to be hard. Once you know the aspects of the resume that you need to mention, you should just be sure to list everything that you know in order to come up with a nice-looking document.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Internal Auditor Job Description -

Internal Auditor Job Description - Internal Auditor Job Description Template Download our job description template in Word or PDF format. Instant download. No email required. Download Template Using Your Template Follow these instructions to use your new job description template Step one: Fill out all details in your job description template using the provided sample on this page. Step two: Customize your requirements or duties to anything special to your workplace. Be sure to speak with team members and managers to gauge what's required of the position. Step three: When the census of the team has agreed on the description of the work, add in a Equal Employment Opportunity statement to the bottom of your job description. Step four: Check with your legal department, management team, and other team members to ensure the job description looks correct before creating a job advertisement. Choose a job board that's specific to your needs.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

How to Improve Employee Engagement with Well-Being

How to Improve Employee Engagement with Well-Being In recent years, employee well-being has been at the forefront of employers minds. Organisations understand that improving your employees experiences means improving your brand. Not only will you have more productive workers, but your employees will it appreciate it too meaning a new advocate army for your company. Virgin Pulse have recently conducted a study on engagement and wellness in the industry, which has shed some light on the way employees and organisations are planning to take on 2015. Priorities include increasing engagement and improving employees health and fitness. But what are the top ways businesses are aiming to empower employees in 2015? Have a read below to find out! Takeaways: 86% of organisations agree employee well-being influences engagement healthy workers means happy and productive ones! 31% of organisations are increasing their budget for employee well-being and engagement programs and 59% are maintaining their existing budget. Its great to see that the majority of brands understand the importance of employee engagement. 70% of executives  agree that mental health is influenced by employee engagement programs. Financial management, nutrition, sleep, stress management and weight management are all programs that organisations are planning to introduce within the next two years. Overall, organisations seem to be  swaying towards a more holistic approach to employee engagement for 2015. Lets see if its successful! RELATED: How to Build Candidate Engagement

Saturday, May 16, 2020

How to Write a Resume Writing Flier That Will Get Your Prospective Job Seekers Interested

How to Write a Resume Writing Flier That Will Get Your Prospective Job Seekers InterestedResume writing fliers are the best means of attracting prospective employers. Fliers play a vital role in promoting a business, as they are all over the place. However, some business owners are just making fliers in bulk to save money, and they do not take the time to actually put into it.Businesses need to know that they will be selling their products and services to the most suitable job hunters, and this is what makes these job hunters as interested as the others in applying for the jobs in your company. If you are just printing these job seekers in bulk, then you are really reducing your chances of finding the perfect employee for your business. Even if you only choose a single person out of all the applicants who apply, you will not be getting the right person.If you are planning to promote a company with resume writing fliers, then you should follow some basic rules. The first thing that yo u need to do is to write an effective flier. If your first flier does not sell the products or services of your company, then it is doubtful that the next one will do the trick.You should first make sure that the job seekers are looking for an opening in your company. They need to be honest and this is important. You should also ensure that they include their job skills in the resume writing flier. It is an added way of telling the recruiter that they have an interesting profile, because most of the resumes are sold on the same grounds.After getting this data, you need to prepare a resume. You can also hire someone to do this for you, or if you are quite handy with computers, you can use Microsoft Word to prepare your resume.You should write your resume in such a way that it is interesting for the job seekers and also includes skills that you have. In fact, it is best if you write all of your job skills in the resume. The best way to start is to write the skills that you have and th en do some examples for them. You should also add some extra details about the job that you have done, for example your experience in general or as a manager or sales person.Then, you should format your resume appropriately. You can include your contact details on your resume, and this is where you should put the address of your company, as well as the phone number and email address. You should also attach the CV as well as a cover letter.In order to get the job seekers interested in your resume, you should take their phone numbers or email addresses, and mail them to them once they request it. This will get you in touch with them and this will make them visit your website and read your resume writing flier.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

5 Ways to Avoid a Layoff - CareerAlley

5 Ways to Avoid a Layoff - CareerAlley We may receive compensation when you click on links to products from our partners. Difficult economic times often result in major layoffs. That then begs the question, how does the average worker avoid a layoff? Reputation oftentimes plays a key role, as an employee who maintains a good reputation has more value to an employer who must make difficult layoff decisions, than an employee who has strikes against his or her record. During troubling economic times, employees should go the extra mile to prove they are worth keeping when their bosses must decide who goes and who stays. In addition to keeping ones reputation pristine within a company, there are several other ways an employee might avoid a layoff. None of these are foolproof, as 100 percent job security is rarely guaranteed, but they may help make the difference between retaining a job or getting laid off. Personify value: An employee should make sure the boss knows what kind of accomplishments the employee has had in the workplace and how he or she has contributed to the success of the company, while also being willing to change and improve in any weak areas. Suggest cutbacks when/where possible: An employee could analyze what products or services may no longer be necessary in the workplace, and suggest cutbacks. Take on extra work: An employee should look for ways to decrease the workload for his or her boss Improve/diversify skill sets: An employee should demonstrate the willingness and ability to improve or diversify his or her skill sets, particularly tech skills. Maintain positivity: An employee should maintain a good, positive attitude in spite of challenging or stressful circumstances, and not spread negativity or disparaging comments about the boss or the company. Go the Extra Mile One of the best ways an employee can prove his or her worth when times are tough is to be willing to go the extra mile. This might mean working overtime at standard pay rates, taking on extra projects, stepping outside ones comfort zone or established job description to do what needs to be done, and otherwise going above and beyond what the boss expects. Be Proactive Typically, nobody receives a guarantee of ongoing employment, so its best to be proactive and begin a job search as soon as the employee has an inkling of impending layoffs. Along with this, it is highly recommended for an employee to reinvent himself or herself by honing existing skills or learning new ones that will fill gaps. In spite of his or her best efforts, however, even a valuable employee may be subject to a layoff. Warning: Layoff Ahead Along with being proactive, the wise employee should be alert to warning signs that a layoff may be imminent. Here are some common red flags: Pay cuts. Shorter working hours or fewer work days per week. Reduced benefits, changes in health insurance coverage, and/or revised sick day policies. Postponed start dates for new hires or full hiring freezes. Reduction to a skeleton crew with increased responsibilities. Mandatory leaves of absence or furloughs for designated amounts of time. If All Else Fails Even if an employee has done all he or she can to avoid a layoff, it may still take place if the employer and the companys management personnel have no other option. If an employee has been diligent to maintain a good standing, that individual is more likely to be among the first rehired if circumstances allow the company to do so. If not, an employee with a good reputation who has been proactive in seeking a new job has more of an edge in potentially landing that position than an employee who hasnt taken the time or made any effort. About the Author: A productive freelance writer with more than 1,500 articles published online, KLee Banks writes for a variety of business sites, including This is a Guest post. If you would like to submit a guest post to CareerAlley, please follow these guest post guidelines. Good luck in your search.Joey Trebif

Friday, May 8, 2020

Quick + Healthy Fixes for Office Snacks - Career Advice Blog for Millennials

Quick + Healthy Fixes for Office Snacks - Career Advice Blog for Millennials It’s Friday, and you have the after-lunch stomach rumbles. It’s 2 p.m., and you really don’t have time to run out for something. You take the walk down to the staff room and find it filled to the brim with cookies, donuts, chips and more.   Your stomach says, “Oh my goodness, all for me?!” but deep down, you know those chocolate chip cookies are going to make you feel awfully guilty later on. The temptation is real, but just because you are on a tight schedule doesn’t mean you need to break healthy eating habits while at work. Instead, try these office snacks  you can keep handy for when the hunger pangs roll around. Nuts Next time you’re at the grocery store, pick up a bag of nuts! Many nuts are chock-full of stuff your body needs, like healthy fats and protein. Cashews, almonds and pecans are some great options. You can stash a bag at work and eat them plain, or if you’re feeling a bit more ambitious, season them before you pack them for the office. Most types of nuts will keep for a long time, which makes them the perfect desk drawer snack. The only problem you’ll have with this snack is keeping your coworkers’ hands away from stealing them.   Apples Nut Butter Apples with peanut butter may be an oldie, but it’s a goody. Sometimes people overlook the power of this combo, but there’s a reason why so many people reach for this snack. The apple provides you with some sugar, which can be great for those afternoons where your brain feels sluggish, and the nut butter will help tide you over until you can get a real meal in. If you’re not a fan of peanut butter, cashew and almond butter are great substitutes! Just make sure to avoid Nutella. (I know, it’s a heartbreaking piece of advice.) It has loads of sugar in it, which will make it much harder for you to stop snacking. Juices Ever have those moments where you wish you could snap your fingers and food would appear? Yeah, me too. Juices make the perfect replacement meal! And no, not apple juice like you used to drink out of a juice box. You can purchase pre-packaged juices, but you’ll pay a premium for them, especially if you have them shipped to your door. If you find you’re into juicing, buy some glass bottles and invest in a juicer. Over a few months of juicing, you’ll save immensely. Another alternative if you like vegetable juice is to keep a bottle of V8 stored at work. It has loads of veggies in it! When you get to work, stash your freshly-made juices in the fridge or keep them on ice in a lunch bag. They’re best when they are kept cold â€" the nutrients won’t break down as much.   Dark Chocolate It’s just one of those days where your sweet tooth is acting up. In those moments, reach for some dark chocolate. Depending on how much cocoa your dark chocolate contains â€" the more cocoa, the better, nutritionally speaking â€" you won’t have to feel guilty about indulging. Many dark chocolates have a whopping amount of fiber in them along with other minerals that will keep your brain happy and healthy. Snack on, friend! Veggies Sometimes, nothing can beat veggies and dip. If you know you’re a snacker and need that afternoon pick-me-up, plan ahead. Wash and slice your veggies on Sunday night for Monday and Tuesday. Fill the bottom of a mason jar with hummus or dip, and then stick your carrots, celery or other goodies into the jar. Now you have a transportable veggie container that won’t leak!   Trail Mix There’s a reason why people who hike and bike long distances pack trail mix. With tons of vitamins and minerals, as well as protein and fiber, trail mix keeps hunger at bay. Don’t be fooled by some of those store-bought mixes, though. Just because it has the words ‘trail mix’ on it does not mean you should eat a mix with 50 percent of its makeup consisting of yogurt drops and MMs. Check the sugar content before you purchase. Some bulk aisles in stores will have good options! If you’re feeling adventurous, you can always branch out and try to make your own specialty trail mixes!   Eggs The great egg debate has finally been settled: eat the darn things and enjoy it! The great thing with eggs is they aren’t only for breakfast. Hardboiled eggs or pickled eggs make a great snack during the workday. Just store them in the fridge, and when hunger strikes, pull one or two out. Keep some salt and pepper handy if you’re into seasoning them and enjoy!   Overnight Oats Overnight oats are the most versatile food out there. Craving something sweet? Something salty? There is an overnight oat recipe for whatever your taste buds are hankering for. If you’re not familiar with the term, overnight oats are exactly as they sound: oats that are made overnight. No cooking involved! Soak the oats in water, milk or another type of liquid of your choice, add fruit or other ingredients, and let sit in your fridge overnight. They’re a perfect mid-morning snack to send those brain cells into overdrive!   Jerky Packed with protein, beef jerky is a keeper for office snacks. From beef to turkey to even vegan jerky, you can satisfy your hunger with a few pieces. It’s also great because it doesn’t make your insulin spike, which won’t tell your body to store fat. Just be sure to avoid the brands filled with sodium and sugar, and look for all natural or low-sodium options instead. Deli Roll-Ups Craving a sandwich for lunch, but want a lighter snack instead? These easy, bread-free roll-ups are perfect. Take a couple slices of turkey or other light lunch meat a slice of cheese, lettuce and a tomato slice and roll up into a satisfying, portable snack. Greek Yogurt + Fruit or Granola Greek yogurt is packed with protein and probiotics, with less sugar and carbs than regular yogurt. The fruited varieties can still be loaded with sugar, though, so opt for plain yogurt and add your own fresh fruit  and/or granola for a light and bright snack that will keep you going until its time to eat again. Smoothies If youre into yogurt and fruit, but want a more portable option, smoothies are just what youre looking for. Combine fruit, skim milk and the fruit and veggies of your choice to create a custom shake you can take with you on the run between meetings. If you need some inspiration, check out this list of Martha Stewarts most pinned recipes. Tuna + Crackers Although smelly, tuna is a great source of protein, fatty acids and vitamins. Grab some whole-wheat crackers and scoop up a simple snack thats equally satisfying. Just be sure to take a break and eat this one in the kitchen, if you can. You dont want to be *that* co-worker. Plan Ahead The biggest piece of advice is to plan ahead. If you’re into snacking, you should have things on hand so you don’t have to venture past everyone else eating three-day-old birthday cake that was left in the break room. You can happily wave your veggies and dip at them as you walk back to your desk. Your body will thank you for treating it so well! Get to snacking, and share your favorites in the comments!